The Big Book® - End Notes

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Alcoholics Anonymous®

Chapter 2

Page 26 Endnotes

Page 26, Paragraph 1:The parenthetical:"(the psychiatrist, Dr. Jung)" did not appear in the First Edition of the Book Alcholics Anonymous.

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Chapter 3

Page 30 Endnotes

Page 30, Paragraph 1: drinking = liquor drinking in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 31 Endnotes

Page 31, Paragraph 0: ...but it evidently has not done so yet. in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 31, Paragraph 3: pronounce = brand in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 33 Endnotes

Page 33, Paragraph 2: thirty = thirty-five in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 33, Paragraph 3: female = feminine in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 40 Endnotes

Page 40, Paragraph 2: and = but in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.
Page 40, Paragraph 2: rather = somewhat in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Chapter 4

Page 44 Endnotes

Page 44, Paragraph 2 Sentence 2: basis -- not -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 44, Paragraph 3: original was not in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 44, Paragraph 3: fifty in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 47 Endnotes

Page 47, Paragraph 1 (Both notes): is in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 50

Page 50, Paragraph 2: a not in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 50 Paragraph 2: us not in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 50, Paragraph 4: one hundred in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 51

Page 51, Paragraph 0: they will show -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 51 Paragraph 0: They will show -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 51, Paragraph 0: one hundred -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 51, Paragraph 1: Others like them came -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 52 Endnotes

Page 52, Paragraph 2: change the point -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 56 Endnotes

Page 56, Paragraph 5: night, 3 years -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Chapter 5

Page 60 Endnotes

Page 60, Paragraph 1: (Step 12.) spiritual experience as -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 60, Paragraph 6: (c.) would if       sought -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 61 Endnotes

Page 61, Paragraph 1: exert some more -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 62 Endnotes

Page 62, Paragraph 2: without Him -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 65 Endnotes

Page 65, Inventory Example: Personal and -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Chapter 6

Page 76 Endnotes

Page 76, Paragraph 1: If = Should -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 80 Endnotes

Page 80, Paragraph 4: happened three years ago -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 82 Endnotes

Page 82, Paragraph 2: If =Should -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Chapter 7

Page 90 Endnotes

Page 90, Paragraph 3: Sometimes = Usually -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 92 Endnotes

Page 92, Paragraph 2: illness = sickness -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 93 Endnotes

Page 93, Paragraph 0: Here was the sentence: If he does not ask, proceed with the rest of your story -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®. It is omitted in this edition.

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Page 98 Endnotes

Page 98, Paragraph 3: the plague = leprosy -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®. It is omitted in this edition.

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Chapter 8

Page 108 Endnotes

Page 108, Paragraph 1: woman = girl -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 111 Endnotes

Page 111, Paragraph 2: The word some -- was included in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 111, Paragraph 2: The word else -- is not in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 113 Endnotes

Page 113, Paragraph 1: thousands = over one hundred -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®. It is omitted in this edition.

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Page 114 Endnotes

Page 114, Paragraph 1: About a year ago a certain state institution released four alcoholics. It was fully expected they would all be back in a few weeks. Only one of them returned. The others had no relapse at all. -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 114, Paragraph 2: more = less -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Chapter 9

Page 124 Endnotes

Page 124, Paragraph 2: which = who -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 125 Endnotes

Page 125, Paragraph 2: ridicule of him -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 126 Endnotes

Page 126, Paragraph 0: The word had -- was omitted in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 130 Endnotes

Page 130, Paragraph 1: earth, nevertheless -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®. It is omitted in this edition.

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Page 131 Endnotes

Page 131, Paragraph 1: children may -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Chapter 10

Page 136 Endnotes

Page 136, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1:
     Among many employers nowadays, we think of one member who has spent much of his life in the world of big business. =
     One of our friends, whose gripping story you have read, has spent much of his life in the world of big business. -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 142 Endnotes

Page 142, Paragraph 1: the illness = the sickness -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 142, Paragraph 1: get well = get well immediately -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 144 Endnotes

Page 144, Paragraph 0: even -- was ommitted in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®. It is omitted in this edition.

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Page 144, Paragraph 3: plus = and -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®. It is omitted in this edition.

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Page 144, Paragraph 3: As = When -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®. It is omitted in this edition.

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Page 145 Endnotes

Page 145, Paragraph 3: us = we -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 146 Endnotes

Page 146, Paragraph 2: for -- ommited in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 147 Endnotes

Page 147, Paragraph 3: take it = do it -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Chapter 11

Page 151 Endnotes

Page 151, Paragraph 3: problem drinkers = alcoholics -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 153 Endnotes

Page 153, Paragraph 4: Years ago, in 1935 = Nearly four years ago -- in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 156 Endnotes

Page 156, Paragraph 4: The word he's -- was omitted in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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Page 162 Endnotes

Page 162, Paragraph 0: of -- was ommitted in the First Edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous®.

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