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This fellowship
is an avocation.
The only persons
I know in this
fellowship who
Do not work
are retired
or chiselers.
Why should Wilson
be out of a job
for 9 years, & have
a 27000 1 home &
Cadillac car?
When AA is a
Why weren't we
told about contribs
before then
Others have
accomplished much
without any thot 2
of financial reward
Professionalizing a
organization or
mercenary 3 motives
will kill the
fellowship or
impair its effectiveness
EG 4 :
But he was
receiving money



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Many new
People: They
are in ignorance
of fine principles of
displayed in earlier
times by founders.

Why ?

Really ?
Then what are
We talking about ?

By whom?

We have
failed in
this as a
Labor of Love,
due to selling our
birthright for
mass of pottage 5.
A usual ending
of many fine

This was a

This is fast
figuring but
no basis for
fact. Any
amount could
be raised for the
office even tho 6
we didn't have
a book.

Very legal
Perhaps, but
definitely a
breach of


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As always, it seems monetary matters are bound to conflict with
principles. How often I heard the recipients state that no one could ever
cast in on this Labor of Love without disastrous results. I believed them, and they wer 7 right,
time will prove them so, unfortunately for the fellowship as a whole.


I saw this in 1941
At the time of our
Statler Dinner 8


What will
be circumstances
in 1946 ?
If promis 9
mean nothing

Group contribs 10
OK, but no
accounting of
Foundation money

I have not seen
Wilson in 3 yrs 11.
I was in the
Army then
in y all of 42

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Very few persons
are now available
who have knowledge
of the fundamentals &
original structure
& aims & promises
of O.G.12
People are uninformed
in the hinterlands,
& the natural tendency
of few worship is
mist dangerous in
such a fellowship as

I know nothing
about this.
I was not asked
for suggestions.

A far cry
from the

Refer to
1941 letter.


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Such a hub bub following a simple
request for info that any member is
entitled to. It tells a story of what is now established and further in the making monies of course the

My efforts have always been conscientious & honest
and on numerous occasions, they have put the chill on me, I presume for reasons that
other types of persons are more easily dealt with. Cleveland has done its share of promoting
a fine fellowship on true principles. We are thankful for many members who have a keen
sense of obligation to our fellow sufferers & on God, and an attitude of willingness to be helpful
with no thot of financial reward. They recognize the transformation that takes place when
individuals lose sight of the true meaning & intent of our group.

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1 $27,000.00  land and home in Stepping Stones, Bedford Hills NY
2 thot
3 mercenary
A person who works merely for money or other material reward.
4 EG:  
Genesis 25: 33f  And Jacob said, swear to me this day; and he swore to him: and he sold his birthright to Jacob.  Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright.
6 tho
7 wer
the "Dr. Bob" appreciation dinner was held October 5, 1941 in Hotel Statler, Cleveland, about 850 AA members attended
9 promis
10 contribs
11 yrs
12 O.G.
Oxford Group


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