
AAWS complaint against innocent AA members

This document ends on page 8 with a request:
"WHEREFORE, Complainant demands judgement as follows:
         A. That Respondent's domain name "aarecovery.com"
         be transferred to Complainant."

See our comment at bottom of this page. NO Sponsor

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www.aarecovery.com is still online. But they were forced to remove
AA's basic text from their web site. This was the price that had to be paid
for survival. AAWS' complaint says aarecovery.com "is intended to
and does confuse the relevant purchasing public into believing that
Complainant [AAWS] maintains, or has approved , endorsed or is sponsor
of or is otherwise associated with respondent's web site at aarecovery.com"

1. If AA groups and AA members are not associated with AAWS, Inc. it appears to be an outside enterprise according to AA tradition six. Why then is AAWS Inc. still allowed by the groups to use the AA name at all?

2. AAWS Inc. is only concerned about the "relevant purchasing public" and not about the still suffering alcoholic. This flies into the face of AA tradition five and eight and nine.

3. AA members and groups are one thing and the "purchasing public" is something else.
If AAWS, Inc. sells AA literature to somebody outside the fellowship for a profit
AAWS, Inc. accepts outside contributions. This is a blatant violation of AA tradition seven.
It is also a violation of AAWS' own bylaws.
It says there on page 2 "Nothing herein contained, however, shall be deemed to give the
corporation the right to solicit funds or to engage in non-charitable activities." Their legal
actions are not a charitable activity for sure!

Shame on AAWS Inc. and their multi-million dollar profit oriented schemes!

posted 11-24-2000 05:40 PM GMT

Im happy to announce that AAWS have terminated the complaint
against aarecovery.com
I would like to thankyou all for your support and prayers which has
enabled us to continue to carry the message to the alcoholic who still
love in the fellowship

posted 11-26-2000 02:31 AM GMT
Grace of God! Groups and Meetings are constantly springing into
existance --some that last and last and some that die out after a time.
I've heard old-timers share that this is the Will of God. After watching
it happen time and again, I am inclined to agree. I think that all the
prayers and support did help. I think God wants www.aarecovery.com
to remain on the net so that His Will can be done.