Seccion Mexico Litigations

Chronological list of documents related to the Seccion Mexico Litigations.

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=========== ============ Seccion Mexico Litigation Documents==========================
Aug 24, 1986 See July 25, 1994 document for more info... August 24th, 1986 about fifteen hundred AA groups in Mexico decided to withdraw from Central Mexicana de Servicios Generales, A.C., and simultaneously approved the creation of a new general service structure, named General Service Conference, Mexico Section (Seccion Mexico de la Conferencia de Servicios Generales)
--including the Seccion Mexico General Service Office and "Dimension" Magazine
Apr 26, 1987 37th GSC Final Report, Page 13 Article 2, 1987 change as reported in the 1987 (37th) GSC Final Report, page 13
--this change effects the legal standing of Section Mexico as it changes " sections" to " countries".
Apr 17, 1988 38th GSC Final Report, Page 15 Article 2, 1988 change as reported in the 1988 (38th) GSC Final Report, page 15
--changes made into footnotes in the Service Manual.
Aug 17, 1989 097 PDF
SEP (Mexico) Certificate of Registration for 12 Traditions - How it Developed
--Example of how AAWS has falsely used Wayne Parks as the author of AA literature.
June 28, 1990 (?) 011-017 PDF
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LEGAL STUDY -(Section Mexico General Service Conference.)
--History & 12 Tradition Considerations...
??? ??, 1992 005 PDF
SEP document showing copyright registration of the pamphlet "AA Tradition - How it Developed"
--(Example showing author as WYNE PARKS on AA literature copyrighted in Mexico -- Because of such lie the reason for copyright law suit "Central Mexico AA against Section Mexico AA" was made *evident* at court. )
??? ??, 1993 018-021 PDF
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Separatist Movements And Movements that Have Affected A.A. Unity in Mexico
--A review of unity problems that have plagued Mexico over the years.
Feb 4, 1994 001 PDF
Draft of letter from AAWS to Central Mexicana de Servicios Generales AA saying: no objection to legal action against other AA members
Feb 10, 1994 022 PDF
Letter from George Dorsey to AAWS Directors
--Regarding letter to Central Mexicana permitting them to sue Seccion Mexico.
Feb 17, 1994 002-003 PDF
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Official letter from AAWS (Thomas K. Jasper, Services Director) to Central Mexicana de Servicios Generales AA:
--Regarding: objection to your starting any legal action that you deem necessary to protect the trademarks and copyrights...
Apr 17, 1994 1994 GSC Report
1994 General Service Conference Final Report, page 24
--(see gray highlights)
Apr(?) ??, 1994 Statement of Censure PDF
Select Delegates Censure the General Service Board of AA
??? ??, 1994 008-010 PDF
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Dennis B., Past Delegate Panel 41/Area 39 letter to Bob McE, Delegate Area 30 Eastern Massachusetts
--Regarding Censure of GSBAA. -- We trust our servants until their actions prove them untrustworthy.
Jul 25, 1994 023-026 PDF
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Seccion Mexico Trustees letter to Ester H. Area 36 Delegate
Regarding crisis of legal action by Central Mexico and a summary of Seccion's views of the crisis "Last July 5th Central Mexicana criminally sued our service entity, Seccion Mexico"
Jul 25, 1994 027 PDF
Dr. Guzman, Section Mexico President, letter to EEUU & Canada Sections
Regarging Thomas K. Jasper letter authorizating Central Mexicana to initiate legal actions vs. Section Mexico A.A."
Aug 1, 1994 007 PDF
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Dr. Guzman, Section Mexico President to George Dorsy, AAWS General Manager
--Letter introducing Section Mexico representatives visiting AAWS and asking about criminal litigations.
Aug 9, 1994 006 PDF
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George Dorsy, AAWS General Manager to Dr. Guzman, Section Mexico President
--Though AAWS encouraged the litigation, AAWS is not ready to respond.
Aug 10, 1994 030-030a PDF
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W.J. (Jim) Estelle, Jr., Chairperson, General Service Board to All Conference Members
--Mexican Copyright Situation
Aug 15, 1994 031-032 PDF
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Saul Castorena Monterubio & Xavier Maza (Section Mexico Representatives) to George Dorsey
--Reveiw of Aug 9 letter and previous conversations; request to avoid shameful public controversy.
Aug 20, 1994 033-035 PDF
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Dennis B., Past Delegate Panel 41/Area 39 to W.J. (Jim) Estelle, Jr., Chairperson, General Service Board
--Regarding (criminal) Mexican Lawsuit
Aug 24, 1994 036-037 PDF
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Dennis B., Past Delegate Panel 41/Area 39 to Xavier Maza, Section Mexico representative
-Requesting information about Mexican Lawsuit and informing about General Service Conference Censure of General Service Board
Aug 25, 1994 038 PDF
Jacob H., Northeast Regional Trustee to General Service Board of Alcoholics Anonymous
--Questioning the GSB on how they reconcile Mexican lawsuit to Concept V and several Traditions.
Sep 12, 1994 039 PDF
Mike McPherson, Chairperson AA World Services, Inc. to Jacob H., Northeast Regional Trustee
--Reply to Aug 25th letter: ...working with Central Mexico since 1987 to ensure that their exclusive licensing position was properly documented...
Sep 14, 1994 040 PDF
Jacob H., Northeast Regional Trustee to General Service Board of Alcoholics Anonymous
--No Reply to Sep 12th letter, Section Mexico are being sued on criminal charges! & discussion of censure of GSB
Sep 28, 1994 100 PDF
AAWS to George Dorsey General Manager
--Review of briefing by George that he knows nothing about any Mexico criminal litigations...
Sep 28, 1994 041-42 PDF
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George Dorsey General Manager to Saul Castorena Monterubio & Xavier Maza
--Reply to Aug 15th letter: policy about granting rights (editor note: untrue about the policy - see items relating to Article 2 [87], Article 2 [88], Dec 23, 1994...)
Sep 29, 1994 043 PDF
Dennis B., Past Delegate Panel 41/Area 39 to Alberto P. Section Mexico representative
--Response to invitation to visit Section Mexico -- also - Censure of General Service Board, misc info.
Oct 10, 1994 044-48 PDF
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Dr. Guzman, President, Section Mexico Board & Saul Castorena to To Delegates – Section Mexico General Service Conference...
--Summary and History of Central Mexico criminal lawsuits against Section Mexico (finances info).
Oct 12, 1994 051 PDF
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Dr. Guzman, Section Mexico GSB President To Jacob H., Northeast Regional Trustee, GSB US/Canada Alcoholics Anonymous
--Invitation to visit Section Mexico Forum.
Oct 17, 1994 049-50 PDF
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Alberto P., Section Mexico To Dennis B., Past Delegate Panel 41/Area 39
--Receipt of Censure information, invitation of Trustee Jake H. to Section Mexico.
Oct 23, 1994 052 PDF
W.J. (Jim) Estelle, Jr., Chairperson, General Service Board To Bob McE, Delegate Area 30 Eastern Massachusetts
--handwritten note to acknowledge earlier correspondence.
Oct 24, 1994 053 PDF
Dennis B., Past Delegate Panel 41/Area 39 to Alberto P., Section Mexico
--Regarding gift of 200 "mini" Spanish Big Books from IWS to Section Mexico
Oct 31, 1994 054-56 PDF
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Alberto P., Section Mexico to Dennis B., Past Delegate Panel 41/Area 39
--Outlining Section Mexico Forum Agena & discussing shipment of mini Spanish Big Books.
Oct 31, 1994 057-61 PDF
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Section Mexico "AA Third Forum" Flyer
--Agenda for Section Mexico Thanksgiving Weekend Forum.
Nov 7, 1994 062 PDF
Alberto P., Section Mexico to John G., IWS
- Thank you note for 200 "mini" Spanish Big Books.
Nov 26, 1994 063-068 PDF
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"AA As A Whole" message delivered at Section Mexico's AA Third Forum in Mexico
--Dennis B. discussing AA unity and other principles...
Nov 26, 1994 069-073 PDF
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"Principles From Our Past AS Guides For our Future" message delivered at Section Mexico's AA Third Forum in Cuernavaca, Mexico
--Dennis B. discussing AA history and various AA principles from our past...
Nov 27, 1994 074-084 PDF
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"Unity and the Spirit of Sacrifice" message delivered at Section Mexico's AA Third Forum in Cuernavaca, Morelos State, Mexico
--Bob McE. discussing Common welfare comes first and various AA principles...
Dec 19, 1994 099 PDF
Alberto P., Member of the Ad-Hoc Committee for the "Situation in Mexico", Section Mexico to Bob McE., Panel 43 Delegate, Area 30, Eastern Massachusetts
--Question about info Bob McE. previously requested...
Dec 20, 1994 090-091 PDF
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Bob McE., Panel 43 Delegate, Area 30, Eastern Massachusetts to Alberto P., Section Mexico
--Update on what is being done about "The Mexican Situation" in various areas in the US/Canada Conference. Request for more info.
Dec 23, 1994 085-087 PDF
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Bob McE., Panel 43 Delegate, Area 30, Eastern Massachusetts to Betty James & Bruce Bates Chairperson & Alternate, 1995 Report & Charter Committee, Jim Estelle, General Service Board Chairperson, Michael McPherson, AAWS, Inc. Chairperson
--Article 2, paragraph 4 of the Conference Charter, 1995 Report & Charter Agenda Request.
Dec 23, 1994 088 PDF
Background info for Article 2, paragraph 4 of the Conference Charter, 1995 Report & Charter Agenda Request
--Summary extracted from 1985, 1986, 1987, and 1988 Final Conference Reports; The Resource files at GSO, the September 23, 1994 AAWS "Highlights" Report and timeline in "the Mexican situation)
Dec 23, 1994 089 PDF
Bob McE., Panel 43 Delegate, Area 30, Eastern Massachusetts to All members 1994 Thirteenth World Service Meeting
--Bob questions their acceptance of Article 2 change by AAWS Inc. and wonders what background info they were provided.
Dec 25, 1994 092-096 PDF
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Alberto P., Member of the Ad-Hoc Committee for the "Situation in Mexico", Section Mexico to Bob McE., Panel 43 Delegate, Area 30, Eastern Massachusetts
--Reply to Dec 20th letter requesting more info. -- The status of the legal procedures. - Affordability of literature in Mexico (see Dec 26), and much more...
Dec 26, 1994 004 PDF
Comparison of Central Mexico vs. Section Mexico literature prices.
--Affordability of literature in Mexico (attachment to support other documents)
Apr 23, 2003 Wayne P. Affidavit PDF
Wayne P. Affidavit swearing he isn't the author of Alcoholics Anonymous.
--See Mexican Document AAWS used to sue Seccion Mexico.