GSO General Manager
Rotation Issue

GSO General Manager Rotation Issue Documents and Background Information
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============ ============ GSO General Manager Rotation Issue Documents    ========================
---------- History PDF File MANAGERS OF THE GSO (application/pdf Object)
List of GSO Managers from 1953 - Present
1998 PDF File Guidelines for Hiring GSO General Manager (application/pdf Object)
" While there is no term of office as such, most recently, applicants have been asked for a commitment of five to seven years. It has been generally recognized that it is in the best interest of the Board and the individual to agree on the probable length of service in this position."
Dec 10, 2004 PDF File GSB Chair Letter regarding the General Managers's Continued Service (application/pdf Object)
The Board’s conscience was that this would be a highly undesirable time to search for a new General Manager.
2007 PDF File General Manager Length of Employment - by Howard L. (application/pdf Object)
  • Historical and current research on General Manager's and their terms of service indicate a policy that they rotate out every 5-7 years.
  • is now time to begin the process of locating and hiring a replacement for the position of General Manager of the General Service Office.
Jan 22, 2007 PDF File Recollections of hiring the current GM - by Gary G. (application/pdf Object)
...the Nominating Committee that wrote this [hiring] procedure believed that it should suggest that it would be undesirable to hire a GM without a commitment that he would stay for at least 5-7 years.
Feb   , 2007 PDF File General Manager Rotation Issue: An Opinion - by John K. (application/pdf Object)
  • I believe Gary's 1/22/07 letter states as fact matters which might better be characterized as subject to interpretation.
  • The language as to the duration of Greg's entire tenure was a range, "approximately five to seven years", and it was clearly and precisely stated.
  • The overall good of AA should be the only principle guiding the discussion at this point.
...the Nominating Committee that wrote this [hiring] procedure believed that it should suggest that it would be undesirable to hire a GM without a commitment that he would stay for at least 5-7 years....the Nominating Committee that wrote this [hiring] procedure believed that it should suggest that it would be undesirable to hire a GM without a commitment that he would stay for at least 5-7 years.
Feb 26, 2007 PDF File
GSO Manager Tenure: Minority Report - by Gary K. (application/pdf Object)
  1. Tradition 9 states: “Rotating leadership is the best.” ... To say that the GSO Manager is not a service leader is ridiculous...
  2. [T]he term of engagement was understood by all parties to be 5 to 7 years, consistent with prior practice.
  3. ...(November 1998) the GM ... understood and agreed that the term was to be 5 to 7 years stated in the letter.
  4. AAWS is ill equipped ...[to] settle the matter of the GM’s employment tenure.
  5. There was ample precedent from prior managers to understand that the term of service would be limited.
“The temptation will almost always be to seize the nearby benefits and quite forget about the harmful precedents that we may be setting in motion.”
Mar 15, 2007 PDF File General Manager Rotation Issue: Minority Report - by Bob M. (application/pdf Object)
  • On January 28, 2007, there was a motion ... to begin a “search for replacing the current General Manager”. This motion was defeated.
  • I would like this topic reconsidered by the General Service Board as soon as possible.
Mar 16, 2007 PDF File GSO Manager Tenure - by Leonard Blumenthal, GSB Chair. (application/pdf Object)
This letter also includes the NOTE TO FILE of 2/6/07 that is referred to in several correspondences.
Mar 26, 2007 PDF File Rebuttle letter regarding 12/10/04 and 3/16/07 letters - by Gary K. (application/pdf Object)
The letter[s in the files are] ...not consistent with my notes or sense of the meeting[s] at all.
Mar 27, 2007 PDF File Rebuttle to 'GSO Manager Tenure' letter by GSB Chair - by Howard L. (application/pdf Object)
I was surprised and disappointed when I read your note describing the events and discussion at the January Executive Session. [Enclosed] are my concerns...
Apr 10, 2007 PDF File Experience and Thoughts on General Manager Rotation - by George D. (application/pdf Object)
I believe that rotation, including the GM position, affirms fundamental AA values - that no one person is indispensable at any time - and that rotation represents sacrifice and humility, qualities that are implicit in our traditions - essential to AA unity - and to personal recovery.
Apr 11, 2007 PDF File Appeal to the GSC on GM Rotation Issue. (application/pdf Object)
While it may appear the principal matter of concern directly relates to an employment matter, it does not. We are discussing rotation, plain and simple.
  • A Minority Report Appeal Signed by 6 GSB Trustees
Apr 17, 2007 PDF File General Manager Rotation Issue: Minority Report - by Howard L. (application/pdf Object)
  • Firing vs. Rotation: the apparent confusion among some of our trustees between firing someone and our spiritual principle of rotation.
  • History and practice of rotation of the General Manager: we have regularly “rotated” people out of the position after approximately 5 to 7 years.
  • Reasons for rotation of the General Manager: a.) Tradition Nine reminds us that “Rotating leadership is the best.” b.) ...the General Manager is one of our service leaders. c.) ...we practice the principle of rotation to help prevent Tradition problems.
  • Real and potential consequences: there are many....
May , 2007 PDF File Where We Find Ourselves, a GM Rotation Issue Timeline - by Howard L. (application/pdf Object)
A Time line of events, meetings, and correspondence regarding the GM Rotation Issue.
Aug 1, 2007 PDF File GSB Subcommittee Report on Meeting with the GM (application/pdf Object)
The subcommittee met with the General Manager...on Monday, 7/30/07, and extended sincere apologies expressed by the GSB [about discussing rotation of his service position].
Nov 21, 2007 PDF File General Manager Discussion - by Conley B. (application/pdf Object)
  • General Manager and Service Leadership
  • Concept XI and the Position of General Manager
  • General Manager’s Length of Service
  • Controversy, Bill W., Three Legacies and Service Structure
Feb   , 2008 PDF File GM of GSO announced his retirement. (application/pdf Object)
The GM of GSO announced his retirement to take place no later than Dec 31, 2008.
Apr   , 2008 PDF File 58th GSC Background Material on GM Rotation Issue (application/pdf Object)
  1. 2/2/08 Report to 2008 Conference Committee on Trustees
  2. Previous Nominating Procedure No. 9
  3. 2/4/08 Revised Nominating Procedure No. 9