German Litigations
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Some of the many documents related to the 6 German Lawsuits

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AAeV German Criminal Litigaiton
"AAeV has lost interest in the criminal investigations, which were started April 7th, 1996"
Date of Criminal Litigation
AAWS German Criminal Litigation - Decisions and info on what really goes on in Germany 4/7/97 Charges
  1. unlawful commercial profit making by means of copyrighted works / ie, giving away literature and books.
  2. slander and gossip according to articles 186 and 187 of the Criminal Law / ie, ?
  3. violation of the Fund Raising Law / ie, taking 7th Tradition collections
  4. violation of the Daily Papers and Periodical Press Rules Law /ie, not keeping records of members etc.
  5. violation of protected trademarks / ie, ? using AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, Big Book, etc.?
  6. violation of Federal Data Protection Law / ie, ?
  7. violation of Common Business Order Rules Law / ie, no double entry accounting system
  8. and other punishable offenses / ? 4/18/97 Attorney General Answer: This [Criminal] demand is refused, a criminal investigation not undertaken. 5/13/97 Attorney General Answers Appeal of 4/18/97 decision.
  • The refusal to undertake criminal investigation is confirmed.
  • The complaint does not lead to a different decision. 5/13/97 Attorney General sites Tradition 7 and states:
  • "If the culprit lacks the intention to gain a profit ... then he does not act commercially. 5/13/97 Attorney General sites Traditions 5, 9, and 10 and states:
  • ...according to the bylaws of [AA "headquarters"] -- Tradition 5 and 9 -- the fellowship of AA does not tend to make profits.
  • It is evident, that the 10th Tradition of AA demands, that the AA name should never be drawn into public controversy, ... It should be resolved within the fellowship of AA. 11/1/97 GSBAA Board meeting authorizing litigations and anything necessary to stop infringements of copyrights. 11/22/97 Open Letter from Jesse L., Past Delegate, Panel 44, Area 46, New Mexico

AAeV German Civil Litigation Accusations, etc. -11/14/97
11/14/97 German Civil Litigation Accusations, Statement of Reasons, Proposed Evidence...
Included in this page..., AAeV's license allows it to publish German translation in "countries" [where German is spoken], where the Conference Charter article 2 explicitly says "country" [singular]. The previous Article 2, prior to changing "sections" to "country" stated "Sections" and that US/Canada was the "North American Section", under the old Article 2 there could be "Sections" that transcended country borders, or allow more than one "Section" in a single country. (For example, in Canada there might be a Canadian "French" Section, and an "English" Section.
AAeV German Civil Litigation - 1st Contract Proposal
This is the translation of a contract, which was written by AAWS's attorney in German language February 4th, 1998.
Pressure to sign the contract, then when he was ready to sign, withdrew the offer.
AAWS German Civil Litigation - 1st Contract Proposal
This is the translation of a contract, which was written by AAWS's attorney in German language February 4th, 1998. Pressure was put on an AA member to sign it. When he was ready to sign it Feb15, 1998 AAWS refused and their attorney called the accused AA member added further requests. Thus the situation remains unresolved. Because they found nothing wrong police and other authorities have already stopped meanwhile some of the seven criminal investigations brought against this AA member by the AAWS attorney.
Pressure to sign the contract, then when he was ready to sign, withdrew the offer because M wanted to change terms
AAWS German Criminal Investigation dismissed - 3/12/98
3/12/98 dismissal of criminal investigation against a German AA member. All business files and private bank accounts of German AA member were thoroughly checked by the authorities. It was determined that no violation of any law occurred.

AAWS President, George D, authorizations to proceed with criminal and civil lawsuits
[George Dorsey] authorizing attorneys to bring criminal [5/8/98] ...and civil [10/31/97] lawsuits against AA group members and non-alcoholics.

Grant of Authority to AAeV to sue in Germany -1/27/99

1/27/99 AAWS President Greg Muth authorizes AAeV to sue in Germany.
AAWS German Criminal Litigation Appeal - Denied
6/21/2000 ruling of Appeal Court regarding Criminal accusations brought by AAWS to have the court decide whether of not the decision of Attorney General of State at High Court Frankfurt am Main of Nov 29, 1999 - was right or wrong
  • Attorney of State has stopped investigations against defendant on July 6,1999
  • AAWS's appeal against this decision [of Attorney of State General] ...has no success.
  • Public Criminal prosecution of defendant ... cannot be ordered -- because ...plaintiff's complaint remained unsuccessful [therefore] plaintiff is obliged to pay court cost ... and defendants cost as far as necessary for defense.
Multilith Edition, Alcoholic Foundation page w/offer to sell statement
Multilith Edition BB page about Alcoholic Foundation with blurb that the book is for sale at bottom